If you want to make some modest changes to your face, dermal fillers may be the right medical procedure for you. Dermatologist offer dermal fillers as an outpatient procedure.
What Dermal Fillers Do
Dermal fillers are a type of gel that is injected into your face. The thickness or the density of the dermal fillers vary based on where they are going to be used on your face.
Dermal fillers are used for a variety of different purposes. Dermal fillers can be used to help lift up a certain part of your face. They can be used to create symmetry or to enhance a particular feature on your face.
What Dermal Filler Is Made of
Dermal filler is a gel like substance. This gel like substance contains a synthetic compound that is structured like a naturally occurring sugar molecule. Naturally occurring sugar molecules actually help keep your skin nice, firm, and smooth. This naturally occurring sugar compound decreases in your body over time. With a dermal filler, you are providing your body with more of this natural compound, helping to keep your face looking young for longer periods of time.
How Long Dermal Fillers Last
Dermal fillers do not permanently alter the structure of your face. Instead, they help the skin on your face look firmer and smoother for a short period of time. How long the dermal filler will last depends on where it is used, how thick the gel is that is injected into your face, and the brand that you use. The effects can last anywhere from just short of a year to two years. Your dermatologist should be able to give you an estimate on how long the dermal fillers will last that you choose.
How Quickly Dermal Fillers Work
One of the best things about getting dermal fillers on your face is that they work right away. Once you have the injections, you should be able to notice changes to your face in the same day, and more significant changes over the next couple of days as well. You don't have to wait days or weeks to see a change to your face.
Side Effects Are Minimal
Another great thing about dermal fillers is that the side effects are minimal. Some people may experience some redness, pain, swelling or firmness at the site of the injection. There may be some discoloration, itching, or bruising at the injection site. However, these side effects are just temporary, fade quickly, and don't impact most people.
Talk to your dermatologist today to see if dermal fillers will help your face and give it the impact that you want.