If you are thinking about scheduling an appointment for some Botox injections, you will want to make sure that you are well aware of just what you can expect following this treatment. The more you know, the less trouble you will have after the injections and it can help you decide if this is indeed the best method for handling your cosmetic concerns. Here are some of the things that you want to be aware of:
There Will Be Some Swelling And Redness
This is something that is generally experienced right after receiving the Botox injections and you should notice that a lot of the redness and swelling is gone by the time you get home and settled into bed. The rest should be gone by the following morning.
There Will Be Some Pain After The Treatment
The pain that many people experience is generally fairly mild and can be easily treated with over-the-counter pain medications. In some cases, and depending on the policies of the dermatologist that you are using, you might receive a prescription for pain medication that is a little stronger. However, that is usually only to get you through the first day after the injections. After that, your pain should be able to be managed without prescription medication.
You Don't Have To Worry About Downtime
One concern that many people have is whether they will have to spend a lot of time resting after a cosmetic procedure. The thing is though, Botox injections do not require much downtime at all. While you might want to lay down for a couple of hours as soon as you get home, you are generally advised to get up after that. Use your facial muscles by talking and going about your day normally; this is great for a lot of people that have to work or that have a family that they have to care for and cannot take time off.
Always make sure that you are scheduling your appointment with a trusted dermatologist that has a lot of experience with Botox injections. If you are still on the fence about this type of treatment, you will want to call to set up a consultation appointment, where you can ask questions and voice your concerns. By the end of the consultation, you should have a much better understanding of the procedure and know whether it is the right choice for you.