Do you have an odd-looking mole that you suspect is melanoma? If so, you are probably wondering what the process is for having it checked and potentially removing it. Here is an overview so that you know what to expect during the process.
You'll start by looking for odd moles at home which can potentially be melanoma. Not sure if it is a reason to be concerned? Melanoma follows some patterns that can be recognized using the ABCDE rule. This means that the mole can be asymmetrical, have an uneven border, be multiple colors, have a large diameter, or be evolving over time. If you notice a mole that meets these descriptions, visit your dermatologist.
Skin Cancer Check
Your dermatologist will perform a skin cancer check where they look at the mole and give a professional opinion. They'll not only look for those criteria but compare them to other moles on your body. If they have a reason to be concerned as well, they'll have a biopsy performed on the mole.
A biopsy is performed in one of two ways. The mole can either be shaved so that a portion of it can be analyzed at a lab, or a portion of the mole can be punched out of the skin. The difference between these two methods is that the punch biopsy method is less likely to leave a scar, but you'll need to return after a couple of weeks to have a stitch removed. A shave biopsy can leave a scar, but it requires no stitches. Consider a shave biopsy on a place like the bottom of your foot, but a punch biopsy if it is on a portion of your skin that's visible to others.
The portion of the mole will be taken to a lab where it is looked at under a microscope. A lab technician will be able to identify if the mole is benign, cancerous, or has the potential to turn into cancer. They'll report the results back to your dermatologist to make a recommendation about what to do.
If the mole is cancerous or can potentially turn into cancer, your dermatologist will likely recommend that the mole is completely removed. Thankfully, it is a simple procedure that can be performed by the dermatologist in their office. They will end up removing the entire mole, as well as some healthy skin that surrounds it. This will ensure that the mole will not continue to grow.
For more information about skin cancer examinations, contact a company like Advanced Dermatology of Northern California.